Thursday, September 30, 2010

And the ride continues!

What a week this has been! My roller coaster ride is still going at full speed, but I think I am finally starting to find a balance between all of these ups and downs. Well, I was starting to. Unfortunately, I was thrown for a HUGE loop today.

I was informed this morning that I am losing one of my 7th grade math classes. This class is being replaced with a 6th grade language arts class. This terrifies me! I am a math/science kind of person. Language arts is definitely not my strong point, and these kids are coming from 2 different classes. So, I am at a loss as to where I should even start. To make matters worse, I had less than a days notice since the switch takes affect tomorrow. Also, this makes 4 different lesson plans to create for each day. EEEK!

My poor math class was none too pleased with this bit of news either. This is the third teacher change this class has had to deal with since the beginning of school. After the news was broken to them, one of my students asked me why I was abandoning them. Despite the rough patches I have had, this was the first time I have struggled to hold back tears in front of my students. It broke my heart that these kids thought I was giving up on them. Of course, I made sure to reassure them that I am not abandoning them and that I will be there if they need me. This was actually my roughest class period, and it has been a struggle to spend more time teaching than disciplining. Despite the troubles, these kids have all touched my heart in one way or another, and I feel as though I am in mourning.

I absolutely love what I am doing, and I can't imagine ever doing anything else. However, it has been a real struggle for me to come to terms with some of the distractions and unnecessary obstacles some of these kids have to go through just to get an education.

One of the bright spots, however, is the wonderful group of teachers that I am working with. I have had so many fellow teachers go out of their way to help me get settled, and I don't know what I would do without them. I can already see what a special bond teachers share with each other. I am so proud to finally be able to stand among this wonderful group of professionals and to be able to call myself an educator!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My rollercoaster

Well, I have survived my first 3 days of teaching! Yay! I have to say that I have had my moments of doubt, though.

One thing that I did not expect in this choice of professions was the constant rollercoaster ride. The ups and downs that I have felt in the course of one school day, or even the course of one class period, have been a twist that I did not expect. I feel that I am on the world's longest rollercoaster, completely in the dark, with no idea what is going to happen next. Will there be a great hill to climb? A long, and twisty loop? Or a deep and seemingly endless plummet?

I have to admit that there have been moments over the past 3 days where I have questioned myself. Did I choose right? Can I actually teach these kids? Thankfully, these kids remind me, at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways, that I DID choose right and I CAN teach them.

I don't expect this rollercoaster ride to end anytime soon. Hopefully, I will soon gain my equilibrium and be more prepared for what lies ahead. All I know right now is that, despite my exhaustion, sore throat, and aching feet, I will continue to give my all to make a difference with my students.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The lion's den!

I was finally able to meet with the teacher who has been teaching my math and finance classes since school started. She is incredibly sweet and was extremely helpful, but I kind of feel like I am walking into a lion's den. I have 2 6th grade finance classes that have no frameworks or pacing guide. The workbooks have not been used, only one grade has been taken, and the only information I have to go by is a website she has been using to get ideas.

My math classes are pretty much the same. There are a few check marks on the pacing guide to show what has been covered so far this year, but that is about as far as it goes. My technology is quite limited, as well, but I kind of expected that. I have a computer with no printer and an overhead projector. Guess it is time for some major grant writing!

I felt pretty overwhelmed when I left the meeting, but I had a lot of joy in my heart. My pre-algebra class made beautiful posters that welcomed me and hung them up on the bulletin board. That board gave me all the motivation I need to overcome these obstacles! I love these kids already, and I have never met them. I can't wait until Monday. I have high hopes that I can do some real good at this school and with these kids.

Monday, September 13, 2010

My dream has become a reality!

Well, the past week has been eventful and full of very pleasant surprises! I came down with a very nasty cold early last week and decided to take last Wednesday off from work to try to recuperate. Little did I know that my sick day would be the beginning of something wonderful.

I received a phone call at about 12:45 from the assistant principal at Jacksonville Middle School requesting an interview. I jumped at the chance, of course, and was a little stunned when it was scheduled for 2:30 that afternoon! Needless to say, I was in a frenzy to get ready. I had no time to prepare and really felt that I was in no way ready to head into the interview. I dug deep, however, and put on my happy, confident face. The interview went extremely well, and I was told I would hear something by Friday. Friday rolled around, and I did not hear a word from the school. I started the weekend a little down, but happy that I had one more interview under my belt.

My weekend was extremely busy, and I did not have much time to be disappointed between family and school. Today started like any typical Monday with a mad dash to get my children to school and myself to work. Then, at 10:30 AM, my six years of hard work and dedication finally paid off. I received a phone call from the principal of Jacksonville Middle School and was offered a position teaching 7th grade math and 6th grade finance.

Words cannot accurately describe my feelings at that moment, but gratitude, elation, and fear were all mixed in there. I laughed, I cried, and I laughed some more. I'm not sure that it has fully sunk in yet that I will finally be realizing my dream of teaching in about one week. I have so much to do, and I can't seem to wrap my brain around any of it. Lots to do with very little time to do it in, but I am so ready for this challenge!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The last leg of my journey (hopefully)!

As this new school year begins, I am both excited and frustrated. I am excited because I am entering my last year of college courses required to obtain my teaching license which is something I have been working toward for six long years. I am frustrated because I have the opportunity to be in the classroom teaching right now, and I am not. I have wondered time and again over the past 4 months what I could possibly be doing wrong in my attempts at securing a teaching position. The only conclusion I have come to is that it is just not my time yet. That time is fast approaching, however.

Since I am not teaching this semester, I am going to make the most of the extra time I have to better prepare myself for what is to come. My fellow classmates will help me more than they will ever know by providing their own personal, first-year experiences in their blogs. I plan on slowly acquiring materials for my classroom as I have been told that the allotment provided by the schools is never enough. I feel like I am trying to furnish a brand new house from scratch!

Another thing I plan on doing is to compile a lesson plan "portfolio" of sorts. This will be a difficult task since I won't know what grade level or what subject I will be teaching. However, I feel that it will be beneficial regardless of what I will be teaching. This will be time-consuming, but I will feel better prepared at the start of my first year of teaching with some planned-out lessons already in my arsenol.

I have not given up on finding a teaching job this semester. I am still applying for open positions in my area. However, I have come to terms with having to wait at least one more semester to finally reach my goal. It has been a long journey, but I am so excited to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel!