Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My rollercoaster

Well, I have survived my first 3 days of teaching! Yay! I have to say that I have had my moments of doubt, though.

One thing that I did not expect in this choice of professions was the constant rollercoaster ride. The ups and downs that I have felt in the course of one school day, or even the course of one class period, have been a twist that I did not expect. I feel that I am on the world's longest rollercoaster, completely in the dark, with no idea what is going to happen next. Will there be a great hill to climb? A long, and twisty loop? Or a deep and seemingly endless plummet?

I have to admit that there have been moments over the past 3 days where I have questioned myself. Did I choose right? Can I actually teach these kids? Thankfully, these kids remind me, at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways, that I DID choose right and I CAN teach them.

I don't expect this rollercoaster ride to end anytime soon. Hopefully, I will soon gain my equilibrium and be more prepared for what lies ahead. All I know right now is that, despite my exhaustion, sore throat, and aching feet, I will continue to give my all to make a difference with my students.

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